Check this box to show the document listing. UNCHECK it to hide the document listing.
If too much is open on the screen, uncheck this to hide the document listing
When you open a document from the Doc List or in any other way (eg from a note) this box is checked. UNCHECK it to hide the document.
If too much is open on the screen, uncheck this to hide the document
Side by Side
You may show two documents side by side, eg Founding Affidavit and Answer. By default all documents open in single document mode in V1. If you click the radio button for V2 (dual document mode), the next document will be opened in V2 to the right of the currently displayed document which remains open. While in dual document mode, this radio button (V1 or V2) controls where the document will open. To close the V2 viewer and return to single document mode, click the at the right of the radio button for V2.
Separate Tabs
If using a computer (laptop or desktop) you may use this to open documents in separate tabs, with each tab showing the Doc number and brief description. This is useful when the user wishes to look at or compare multiple documents such as an affidavit and the answering affidavit and the reply, or particulars of claim and the plea and replication. If using a mobile device or tablet this will show only the first page of the document - rather use the Mobile control. To see two documents side by side, use the Side by Side control.
Larger docs
This control allows the user to view the documents in a larger format.
Open Doc
Use this to open any document. Enter the Doc number andclick the icon.
Enter the page number and click the icon to any page in the open document.
Check this box to display your notes. UNCHECK it to hide the notes
If too much is open on the screen, uncheck this to hide the notes
Search for content in the documents. Shows a list of hits and allows user to open the document.
Find dates buried in the words of documents.
Any single document or entire volume can be downloaded using the link.
`By Dir / Volume`, `By Docnum` and `By Date` (below) control how the list is organised and sorted
To see the list again, click the Doc List tab at the top of the page. DO NOT use a back button.